This study examined the influence of employment on the wives role performance among Federal Civil Servants in Zaria metropolis. Five research objectives were postulated and five null research hypotheses in line with research questions were posed and tested. A sample of 377 couples from 7 Federal Government Establishments drawn from a population of 3781 couples, through simple random sampling technique. The descriptive survey design was adopted in carrying out the study. The test re-test and Cronbach alpha method were used to estimate reliability of the research instrument. A coefficient of 0.75 and alpha value of 0.60 were obtained as reliability estimate for the instruments. Mean and standard deviation were used to provide answers to the research questions, t- test was used to test the five null hypotheses formulated for the study. The hypotheses were tested at the .05 level of significance using SPSS. Some were retained while some were rejected. Among other things, the study found that there is significant difference in the influence of employment on the wives role performance to their husbands, thereby retaining the hypotheses. And rejecting the hypothesis; that there is significant difference in the influence of employment on the marital role performance of wives on child up-bringing, retaining the hypothesis; that there isno significant difference in the influence of employment on the marital role performance of wives to their in-laws and domestic obligations, retaining the hypothesis. The study recommends, among other things, that women should prioritise their roles to their husbands in their schedule of duties, always be at the service of their children, and there should be a consensus between the women and inlaws on the definitive role of each in the family
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